Wow, that's all I really have to do right? Get started? I hope so. I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time committing to this dream of mine. Time these days is so precious, but I waste it away obsessing and thinking about all the things I should be doing to get me to the places I could be going.
I want to say, "not anymore", but the thought of that terrifies me. What if I fail, what if this isn't what I really want. What if I don't fail? Can I handle it? Or, what if this is a "grass is always greener" situation?
More importantly, what if it isn't? Do I want to waste another decade? I go. I'm at least going to figure it out what I'm supposed to do with all of these ideas rolling around in my head, keeping me up at night, exhausting me to the point of feeling paralyzed!
These are the things I love
to do obsess over:
Furniture-how to re-use, upcycle, turn it upside down for some other use.
Paper-this one is new for me-I've always had a hard time parting with paper...good thing I live with a neat freak or this blog might be about my hoarding, I'm finding ways to use it. Paper beads, paper wreaths, paper flowers...
Anything recycled or upcycled- everyone got recycled t-shirts in some form or another for Christmas this year. I loved every minute of making each one!
My First Furniture Re-do Ever! |
I mean, I can't sleep at night because my heart is racing after seeing an old piece of furniture turned into a kids' kitchen. Everyone gets that feeling when they see a piece of furniture repurposed, right?
I got SANDPAPER for Christmas this year!
I'm supposed to do something with this right?
Thank you
Donna and thank you
Shannon for lighting the fire. I do not want to repeat 2011, it's time to make some changes and make 2012 something to remember.